Federmappen Gefüllt
Federmappen Gefüllt - Cherry Pompon
Filled, trendy pencil case with two separate lockable compartments, in collaboration with Staedtler®. The "Cherry Pompon" design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Filled, trendy pencil case with two separate lockable compartments, in collaboration with Staedtler®. The "Cherry Pompon" design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Federmappen Gefüllt - Cherry Pompon
Filled, trendy pencil case with two separate lockable compartments, in collaboration with Staedtler®. The "Cherry Pompon" design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Filled, trendy pencil case with two separate lockable compartments, in collaboration with Staedtler®. The "Cherry Pompon" design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Federmappen Gefüllt - Cherry Pompon

Federmappen Gefüllt


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Federmappen Gefüllt - Cherry PomponFilled, trendy pencil case with two separate lockable compartments, in collaboration with Staedtler®. The "Cherry Pompon" design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!Filled, trendy pencil case with two separate lockable compartments, in collaboration with Staedtler®. The "Cherry Pompon" design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Eigenschaften Federmappen Gefüllt

Trendiges Federmäppchen mit zwei separat verschließbaren Fächern, in Zusammenarbeit mit Maped®

Wenn du wie Picasso zeichnen willst, brauchst du die besten Werkzeuge! Genieße diese Kollaboration mit Maped und schreibe, entwerfe, zeichne, färbe, schneide und kreiere mit dem Besten, was es gibt!

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Federmappen Gefüllt - Cherry Pompon
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